понедельник, 13 февраля 2017 г.

Who is a rumbero?

Who is a rumbero?
When I was at Cuba I used to know some rumberos. O, those are extraordinary people.
-Where did you learn to dance like this?
- Learn? I came to dance in the street every day, I danced and danced, until I became rumbero. I am rumbero, I didn't learn to dance, I won it.

-What are you doing tonight?
-We have rumba, I have to go, I am rumbero, nyo.

-So you like dancing or playing?
-I am rumbero, I do everything. This is impossible to be rumbero and not to play drum, or dance or sing. I am rumbero.

It is a lifestyle. A lifestyle that becomes a music. The everyday story, so simple for us, becomes a rumba song, and the day-to-day sentiments, that are so sharp and vivid and complicated, almost sacral for all rumberos, become the lines and the poetry of the streets. It is not so important that rumbero has only one t-shirt and only avocados for the whole week to eat. But what a rumba was yesterday in the barrio, nyo! Tremenda rumba, cojones !(untranslatable words)

And that's how the rumba becomes the legend.
Domingo Pau is a legendary rumbero. Learning from such a person is like touching a live poetry, a true verdadera energy of rumba.

-How is diferent rumbero from other people?
-After knowing rumbero you will never be the same.

Here is a video with translation of the poetry of a legendary columbia song that inspired that famous Domingo Pau's dance...

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